I personally think you can make changes towards a better life any day of the year, but of course January the first gives many people a boost to think about what would make you happier and how you want to live. So, here are some suggestions for New Year's resolutions. I can promise you guys to try to follow them all myself, and I recommend you all to pick at least one!
- Think positive! Don't waste too much energy on stuff that annoys you and focus on the bright side of things
- Spend a few minutes every night before going to bed thinking about what you're thankful for today
- Cut down the consumption of meat: eat a vegetarian meal at least once a week - the more often, the better!
- Stay up for a whole night with some dear friends
- Give your parents (and siblings, friends... whoever!) a hug every now and then
- Do a long bike ride to a new place on a sunny day
- Dance around your room and sing when listening to good music
- Stop cursing
- Take naps
- Compliment someone every day
- Get inspired by great bands, books, photos...
- Have enough alone-time, for example take a walk and reflect your feelings in peace
(all the pics weheartit.com)
I wish you all a great year 2012 with adventures, success and spending time with your loved ones!